Worried about your gut?

Haemorrhoid Treatment

Haemorrhoid treatments can be provided in conjunction with sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy procedures. There are different techniques used depending on the size/location of the haemorrhoid/s, but may include banding and injecting.

Haemorrhoid banding is when a gentle suction device is placed over the haemorrhoid and a small rubber band is deployed onto the base of the haemorrhoid. This cuts off the blood supply to the haemorrhoid which then shrinks and dies and drops off after about a week. Haemorrhoid injecting is when a sclerotherapy injection is performed, where a small amount of Phenol Oil is injected into the haemorrhoid which causes the blood vessel to harden and die and drop off. Your endoscopist may use either one or both of these techniques. Occasionally haemorrhoids may not be suitable for endoscopic treatment and may require surgical intervention, if this is the case, the endoscopist will discuss future management with you or refer you to a surgeon.

Recovery expectations after haemorrhoid treatments:

Pain: After these procedures you may experience some pain for a few days, a sensation of fullness in the lower abdomen or you may feel the urge to have a bowel movement. You may take Paracetamol 1 gram every 4 hours as required. Sitting in a hot bath can also assist with soothing the area.

Bleeding: It is normal to have a small amount of bleeding, leakage or discharge from the anal canal after this treatment. You may wish to wear a pad in your underwear for a few days. After banding treatments the bands will drop off after 1-2 weeks. You may or may not notice this happening. You may experience a bleed at this time. If this lasts for longer than a day please contact us for further advise.

General Activity: You should rest at home and avoid heavy lifting for the rest of the day after your procedure. You can then gradually resume normal activities (returning to work and exercise) over the following few days as you feel able. It is not recommended that you take international flights within two weeks after these treatments.

Bowel Activity: If you have taken an oral laxative bowel preparation for this procedure, it can take up to a week or two for your bowel habits to return to normal. After haemorrhoid treatment it is recommended that bowel movements are kept regular and soft, as this will avoid straining during passing bowel motions. Straining can cause reoccurrence of the haemorrhoids, so it is best to avoid this if possible. Most people will be able to maintain a regular bowel habit by drinking plenty of water and consuming a high fibre diet, however laxatives or fibre supplements can be used if needed.

Adverse Effects: With these treatments there is a very small risk of haemorrhage (large amounts of bleeding), if this occurs please either contact your endoscopist directly or present to a hospital emergency department or call an ambulance.

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