Worried about your gut?

Endoscopy Procedures



Colonoscopy is a procedure done under sedation which allows the doctor to see inside your large bowel (colon) and examine the lining of it directly, using a colonoscope (a long, thin flexible tube which has a light source and camera built into it). The colonoscope is placed into your rectum (bottom) and the doctor then guides it around your large bowel while viewing the images on a video screen. Read more


Gastroscopy is a visual examination of the lining of the upper part of your digestive tract i.e. oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and duodenum (first part of the small intestine). A gastroscope (long, flexible tube with a small camera on the end) is passed through your mouth and down your digestive tract. Images from the camera are displayed on a video screen and photos can be taken. The endoscope (tube) will not interfere with your breathing. The doctor can look for any abnormalities and if necessary take a small tissue sample (biopsy) using tiny biopsy forceps. This is painless and the tissue sample is sent to the laboratory for examination under a microscope. Read more

EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound)

EUS combines the technology of the endoscope with that of modern ultrasonography to allow placement of ultrasound probes very close to an abnormality in the gastro-intestinal tract to get high resolution detail of the anatomy.  Read more

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy is a procedure which allows the doctor to see inside your rectum and the lower part of the large bowel (the sigmoid colon).  The endoscopist will examine the lining of the bowel directly using a colonoscope (a long, thin flexible tube which has a light source and camera built into it). The colonoscope is placed into your anal canal and the doctor then guides it through the rectum and into the left side of your large bowel while viewing the images on a video screen.  A sedative may be given if required. Read more

Haemorrhoid Treatment

Haemorrhoid treatments can be provided in conjunction with sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy procedures. There are different techniques used depending on the size/location of the haemorrhoid/s, but may include banding and injecting. Read more

RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation)

Radio Frequency Ablation is a technique where tissue is heated until it is no longer viable or alive. Physicians have used various forms of ablation for nearly a century to treat number cancerous and precancerous conditions, as well as to control bleeding. The RFA ablation technology is a very specific type of ablation, in which heat energy is delivered in a precise and highly controlled manner.  Read more



Why Choose Our Service?

Top Rated

Top Rated

Auckland and New Zealand best gastroenterologist and surgeons providing the latest endoscopy care.

Integrated Care

Integrated Care

Our multi-disciplinary team approach means that we can better manage the full range of gastroenterology conditions, including complex and teriary conditions.

Low costs

Low costs

Affilliated provider for Southern Cross Health Insurance. No or low out of pocket with all insruance companies. Afforable self funding.