Worried about your gut?

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is the medical term for the common symptoms of heartburn, reflux or indigestion. Up to 20% of the NZ population suffers from this problem either intermittently or continually. GORD is usually worse in smokers, the overweight and those with a hiatus hernia. It can even mimic angina or heart pain.

Untreated, GORD can lead to permanent damage or scarring to the oesophagus (food pipe). Ulcers can form with bleeding also occurring. Barrett’s oesophagus (a change in the lining of the lower food pipe) is a cancer risk and can only be detected by gastroscopy examination.

Gastroscopy may be indicated in people who have:

  • Symptoms not well controlled with antacids
  • Frequent vomiting, including bringing up blood
  • Regurgitation of food after eating or bending
  • Difficulty swallowing solid or chunky food
  • A family history of oesophageal or stomach cancer
  • Known Barretts oesophagus.


Normally, treatment of reflux symptoms is very successful and can avoid ongoing discomfort or serious problems. Medications usually control or fix the problem, but sometimes surgical repair of hiatus hernia is needed.


Why Choose Our Service?

Top Rated

Top Rated

Auckland and New Zealand best gastroenterologist and surgeons providing the latest endoscopy care.

Integrated Care

Integrated Care

Our multi-disciplinary team approach means that we can better manage the full range of gastroenterology conditions, including complex and teriary conditions.

Low costs

Low costs

Affilliated provider for Southern Cross Health Insurance. No or low out of pocket with all insruance companies. Afforable self funding.